Corona outbreak has hit the globe severely causing a downfall in economic growths of some developed nations like China and USA. It is interesting and queer at the same time to observe the whole world united at a platform and helping eachother to give it a sense of collective fight. We have come across the announcements made by IMF to allocate Corona Relief funds to underdeveloped nation which is indeed a great gesture. Some odd predictions havebeen circulating since the outbreak hit China that this might be form of biological war manipulated through certain laboratory synthesized viruses to crash the Chinese economy. Such baseless rumors havebeen ruled out recently when a statement was released by the panel of  known scientists that the structure of the Corona Virus manifested its natural origin nullifying the synthetic preparation basis.
China took pertinent measures against Covid 19 and is the only nation so far who controlled Corona virus and restored the activities to a normal scheduled time table. Other countries are fighting to their potential to minimize the disaster caused by the pandemic. Now it is the need of the hour to join hands and make collaborative efforts towards the common goal of controlling covid 19. 

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