Intermittent Fasting for weight loss

Intermittent Fasting for weight loss

Intermittent Fasting is a strategy used extensively for burning fat.It is basically a diet regulation technique involving periodic alteration in your eating habits. The main focus is to let body consume the reserve fat in the body as a source of energy through fasting periods.
So there are probably TWO BIG QUESTIONS you're wondering about why does it always show wonderful results and why it always works?
Conveniently it can be divided  into 3 steps:
1. You fast for 24 hours
2. You eat “regularly” for 48 hours
3. You fast for 24 hours
4. Rinse and repeat
There are many variations to the present intermittent fasting lifestyle, but this is often the list of how the so-called “diet” works.
There are many reasons, but let me explain it to you in two ways.
One: The simple version.
Two: The more scientific, evolution theory, and complex version.
You choose which one you want to read. OR you can read both 🙂
It works because once you are during a “FASTED” state, your body has no new nutrients to prey on, SO, so as for it to urge you energy, it goes for your stored FAT RESERVES FIRST.
Now, if you're during a fasted state TOO LONG, it’ll eventually follow muscle. But the eat stop eat book will tell you ways long is just too long, and the way short is just too short.
So for instance, let’s say you've got fasted for twenty-four hours (this diet is additionally referred to as the 5 2 diet). When you have fasted for this long, your body WANTS nutrients and energy, so it naturally uses your stored fat to make this.
THUS, resulting in FAT LOSS. WITHOUT doing ANYTHING!
ALSO, another logical explanation for intermittent fasting is this:
Say you're on a 2,000 calorie daily diet. 
Let’s try that again:
If you've got been fasting for twenty-four hours, that's 0 calories that you simply have had that day. ZERO.
And if you check out it from a WEEKLY perspective, accounting the very fact that you simply fast twice every week, that might be two ZERO calorie days.
So on a typical “regular” persons week, it might appear as if this:
2,000 calories a day X 7 days = 14,000 calories a week.
A typical intermittent fasting diet person week would appear as if this:
No calories days (2) + 2,000 calorie days (5) = 10,000.
If you divide 10,000 by 7 to urge your average “daily” calorie intake that amounts to:
1,429 (rounded up mind you) calories a day.
That’s LESS THAN going on a diet of 1,500 CALORIES!
AND you'll eat REGULARLY, as in REGULAR food you eat.
Not only are your BURNING FAT because your body goes after your fat reserves during a fasted state.
This is called a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN Situation

This way of lifestyle is also called the 5 2 diet. Which is famous in the UK.
Okay, I’m going to be referring stuff from the actual eat stop eat the book and some of these are going to be Brad Pilon’s idea and not necessarily mine.
Let’s take a look at an evolution example:
Say, for example, it is 20,000 BC, in times when you have to hunt, fish or gather your food.
Let’s say a hunter has caught a huge animal and picked all the berries the forest had to offer and shared it with his tribe people to eat.
They ate all of it in one day, because they didn’t know a good way to preserve meat back then (just for example's sake).
Intermittent Fasting for weight loss

Since all the meat is gone and no more berries to pick, the tribe has no choice but to move on and search for more food.
Which means that they were probably in a FASTED state for as long as their next “catch” is.
Based on this, it seems pretty logical to say that is the way our bodies were designed to function.
NOW, take a look at today’s society.
There is food EVERYWHERE if you live in a first-world country. We eat so much and so frequently, that our bodies have to store it as FAT to use it for later. Now, for the scientific part.I’m not going to explain ALL the scientific facts of the eat stop eat lifestyle, but I’ll explain a few.
One of the things I want to explain is INSULIN levels.
When your insulin levels are HIGH, you are in storing fat mode.
Also, you are UNABLE to release fat from your fat reserves when your insulin levels are HIGH.
Just remember that when your insulin is HIGH your fat ain’t going NOWHERE.
NOW, studies have shown that fasting for even as little as 24 hours reduces insulin levels DRASTICALLY!
Take a look at the chart: 
Intermittent Fasting for weight loss

And here are words from Brad Pilon himself:
“In other words, a 24-hour fast has a more dramatic effect on reducing insulin than all of the insulin based diets, like low-carb or frequent meal timing, could ever hope to have. If you actually want to bring your insulin levels down, the best tool you have is short term fasting.”
Here are also some of the MANY health benefits of intermittent fasting in the short term:
• Decreased body fat & body weight
• Maintenance of skeletal muscle mass
• Decreased blood glucose levels
• Decreased insulin levels & increased insulin sensitivity
• Increased growth hormone levels
• Decreased food-related stress
And much, much, much, MORE!!
My thoughts, experiences and tips using the Eat Stop Eat Lifestyle
First things first:
Intermittent Fasting for weight loss

Which means, most diets cause you to lose weight, but THEN after a year, most people gain that loss right back and sometimes even more!
What’s the point in that!
This is something more long-term. A LOT MORE LONG TERM.
AND THE BEST THING about this 5 2 “diet”
Intermittent Fasting for weight loss
The very first time I did it, I admit, I got a little hungry.
But here is a very crucial tip:
DO STUFF while fasting.
Get to work. Exercise. Go out with friends (but don’t eat). Write. Read.
Whatever you have to do to get your mind off food.
It really isn’t that hard. And it’s definitely better than eating 1000 calories a day for months on end, where you EAT BUT ARE STILL HUNGRY. That’s the worse.
Also, I notice that when I start my fast, and when I get into that hungry state, I GET LASER, SUPER, INTENSIVE FOCUS AND CONCENTRATION.
Brad Pilon had a scientific explanation for this in the Eat Stop Eat ebook.
This is the simple explanation:
Because your body is wanting food, it releases hormones that activate the “fight or flight” symptoms in your body.
Intermittent Fasting for weight loss

The reason your body does this is because your body is HUNGRY following intermittent fasting so it wants food. And how did our evolutionary ancestors get food in the past? They either got it from plants, tree, etc, or they hunted or fished.
So in order for your body to become better at hunting or fishing or looking out for food, it releases these hormones and activates fight or flight. 
Which makes you get into a SUPER CONCENTRATED mode and you can basically write an entire novel in 4 hours (kidding).
So from my experience, it is a win-win situation.
Also, from my experience, it doesn’t matter when you start your fast. You can start your fast at night after your last meal,
You can start your fast in the morning AFTER your first meal.
They both work equally well.
Also, from my experience, it doesn’t matter when you start your fast. You can start your fast at night after your last meal,OR  You can start your fast in the morning AFTER your first meal. Th ey both work equally well.

Ok, that’s it for now. THANK YOU so much for reading, and WELCOME to the EASIEST weight loss lifestyle in the world that is intermittent fasting.