What is Cancer
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Cancer is a very commonly discussed topic these days.A person newly diagnosed with cancer is likely to be in shock and will automatically turn to the people they trust the most to help them with their problem. Our traditional treatments as everyone knows are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and the only other way to treat it is alternatively is through natural products but this system of treatment will never be offered and is often criticized as it lacks scientific grounds. Nearly everyone is unaware about the Causes of Cancer and many believe it was because of fate or bad luck and will naturally look for the quickest way to have these foreign growths removed. They all believe they had followed a healthy diet and lifestyle so it was something that was beyond their control that allowed these growths to suddenly appear.
Our health care system today keeps us ignorant about the causes and yet the causes are well known. They have been well known for decades but it’s only by a handful of people who have bothered to study the disease. Also you must remember that an uninformed person will seldom question any treatment that is recommended by their health professional, even if it’s toxic.
Cancer Diagnosis
To effectively diagnose cancer one needs key information about this. As an illustration, any cancerous development is actually cancer of the whole body and not just where the growth appeared. A far more effective way is to search for the reason why the immune system had been weakened and allowed these foreign growths to appear. All cancers are self-caused, we have caused it ourselves by the way we now live with our food that’s no longer fresh, our sedentary lifestyle and other factors. At present it’s mainly a problem in western developed countries but is becoming a problem in developing countries as well. Seven million people a year are now dying from cancer around the world and we still only have treatments which only treat symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. A symptom is a sign that something else is wrong within the body.
Cancer Treatment Strategies
To efficiently rectify the cancer without it recurring you have to address the details why it first gives the impression and a good abode to start is with the diet. The stereotypically western diet is frequently at error because of our high intake of processed foods so common sagacity should tell us to use it precisely. We have stirred away from eating food that we once formed ourselves to eating food that big productions have processed and affected with.
While treating cancer naturally has never been scientifically proven, it’s never likely to be because natural products cannot be patented so nobody can profit from them. Natural ways are a cheap and effective way to treat cancer. The reason all our medicine is drug based and artificial is because it can be patented, which removes competition and is then profitably. Our mainstream ways of treating the disease may have been scientifically proven but only proven to reduce the size of the growths and that won’t stop them from growing back again. While our medical system is quite decent at diagnosing cancer, their treatments today often fail because they are only concentrating on eradicating growths which is of slight comfort. True therapies mean dealing with the novel causes.
If you or someone you know has been affected by cancer, here’s what you need to know as you seek curative options. Therapeutic measures for cancer demand remedies that are shaped to address the critical, essential nature and general value of all that encompasses you, your health and well-being.
There are many causes for cancer – physiological, biochemical, environmental, energetic and emotional. For each person these causes come together in ways that are exclusive to that person. While the name or the stage of the diagnosis may be the same, no two cancers are the same for any two people. Recovery from cancer requires much more than just fighting it. There is no solitary charmed shot for cancer. When we get the poisons out of the body, restock the basic nutrients that Nature has meant for us to use, reinforce the immune system and let the mind believe that we can heal – it is astonishing what the body will do. Therefore a one-size-fits-all treatment tactic doesn’t work. Here’s why:
Cancer Treatment Options
1. When it comes to treating people who have been diagnosed with cancer, conformist medicine is manufactured around a model of “fighting” cancer. This concept is concealed under the hazardous and implicit postulation that the mind and body can and should be treated as if they were separate from each other. If that were true, then with enough money and laboratory research we would be able to find ways to control the body and then at last we would able to control cancer.
2. That is why there has been so little progress made in “fighting” cancer. We cannot separate the mind from the body and then control the body. Although unadventurous medicine practices treatments and therapies for cancer that are strong, healing cannot be “enforced” upon the body.
3. The unavoidable truth is that our minds and bodies are one. They cannot be separated. Healing the body must begin with healing the mind. This is just as true for cancer as it is for many other chronic conditions.
4. While Integrative Medicine uses conformist medical drugs and other therapies in the safest ways available, it also looks at the mind and body as the whole and integrated complex that it is.
5. Integrative Medicine makes widespread use of nutritional, herbal and homeopathic medicines and works with the natural energies of the mind/body complex to help restore natural balance and therefore natural health.
Treating the causes of cancer is the best way to protect your health and help prevent the cancer from coming back all over again. For every form of cancer there is, there is someone who has recovered from it. It is a scientific fact that even one demonstration of what everyone seems to think is sufficient to prove that it is indeed possible.
Cancer has some Psychological effects as well.